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Ski Wheelers Ski Club
News & Updates
A few of the things happening around the club
Friendsgiving 2023
Saturday November 25th
We will be hosting a potluck dinner on Saturday the 25th at 5PM. Please bring an item to share by using the sign-up sheet that has been emailed to all members. Deadline to sign-up is
Wednesday 11/22.
A breakfast buffet will be available Saturday and Sunday.
Refer to the email for pricing on both dinner and breakfast buffets.
We will be collecting for a local food pantry so please bring a non-perishable food item to donate.
Winter Warm Up 2023
December 8th-10th Save the Date!
Let's get together for the best weekend of the season. Save the date and start asking friends to join. This year's flyer and registration form will be emailed in early November.
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